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Monday, August 6, 2012

3 Girls (or Three Girls) Cabernet Sauvignon 2010 (about $14)

About the Wine: The label has a cute heart worked into it, the wine has a cute name, and the back of the bottle tells a cute story that does not convey any information about the wine.  There are some things that set off a warning that a wine is going to be terrible and this bottle has all of them.  But I have been wrong before and it is important to reserve judgement.  I have had very good luck with wines from Lodi, which is where this one is from, and 2010 is a pretty good vintage for California Cabs.

About THIS Wine:  In the glass it is very dark red with a crimson rim.  Intense raspberry is prevalent on the nose along with notes of smoke and cedar.  The raspberry delivers on a soft, velvety, and slightly sweet palate.  To be clear, the wine is not objectively sweet it is just sweet for a cab.  Soft tannins and more raspberry make up a nice finish.

Drinking This Wine:  This is definitely a sipping wine.  Enjoy as an after dinner alternative to heavier dessert wines.

Overall Impression:  3 Girls is ideal as an introductory Cab for the drinker who is not accustomed or agreeable to the heavy dryness and oak found in many cabs.  It is a good value.


  1. Hello, wanted to find out if you have tried the 2011 Three Girls Cab? I just purchased a couple 3L format bottles and I hope it is decent enough to sip on with friends. Thanks for any info.

  2. Thank you for the comment. Sadly, I have not had a chance to try the 2011, but I will make it a point to do so now.
