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Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Oak Lane Shiraz Cabernet Sauvignon 2012 (about $11)

About The Wine:  South Africa's signature grape is the hybrid Pinotage, commonly known as "Pino what?"  The failure of that varietal to catch on in a big way means that the country might do better to invest in more widely know varietals like Cabernet and Shiraz.

About THIS Wine:  The center is dark and fades to a clear rim.  The nose is big.  There is baker's chocolate, green pepper, and an oily component that is hard to name.  Chocolate and green pepper are strong on the palate.  The tannins are pretty fierce.

Drinking This Wine:  Let it breath and then have it with steak.

Overall Impression:  This is a dry, steak wine.  At this price it would be hard to label as anything other than a good value.

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